Prices, gen. terms & conditions

(The present is a translation of the german text, provided for your information only. In case of any doubt only the german text will be considered.)

Registration – Online registration

In order to guarantee an organisation at high level, we kindly ask you to submit registrations before the 15/04/2025 (early bird deadline).

Registrations submitted after this date, will be gladly taken under consideration, in case of vacancy until 1 week prior to the start date set for each course, but can not take advantage of our “early bird” offer (55€ discount on the application fees).

The online registration form has to be filled in by adult students in person, by minor students by their parents/legal tutors and, once sent, is bound and obliges the registered and his/her legal representatives to payment, according to the present terms and conditions.

Course charges

Course charges are composed of course fees (Registration and lesson fees) as well as of overnight staying and hotel boarding fees at the requested room category and must be transferred in total amount to the austrian arts sessions association.

1. Course fees

a. Course fees for the active participation to the first main subject indicated in the course pages consist of:

  • Registration fees of € 230,- (€ 175,- in case of registration before the 15/04/2025) are paid only once per course period and participant, even if a registration for a second or more main subjects is requested,
  • Lesson fees as settled for each course,

b. Further main subjects or further daily lessons to the same main subject during the same course period are warmly recommended for advanced participants or in case of preparations for examinations or competitions and can be booked upon registration for additional lesson fees,

c. Activities are in principle free of charge; for some activities extra fees of up to € 165,- may apply,

d. passive participants pay in addition to the registration fees for master classes: € 165,-; other courses: € 110,-

e. listeners pay only the only lesson fees stated below. There in is included the fee for visiting the courses, excluding any further facilities or services, such as meals or overnights etc.).

  • For one course: daily card € 35,- | weekly card € 170,-
  • For all courses: a combined price of € 45,- (daily card) |  € 230,- (weekly card).
  • Students attending as listeners, carrying a valid student’s identity card pay half the listeners’ fees mentioned above.

2. Overnight staying and boarding fees
The overnight fees include overnight with breakfast and the flat rate for installations use in Ossiach (€ 120).
Following prices are per person and course period:

  • shared room € 425,-
  • double room € 625- (assignment upon availability)
  • single room € 745,- (assignment upon availability)
  • Participants who haven’t booked any overnight options will be charged with a flat rate for installations use of 120 € !

All participants may also book an additional boarding package (prices per person and course period, excl. drinks and beverages)

  • Half board (lunch or dinner)  € 240,-
  • Full board (lunch and dinner) € 360,-.

Payment and cancellation policy

  1. All amounts must be transferred under the note “free of all charges for the receiver”. Bank costs of any kind and still pending fees must be paid upon participants’ arrival and check in, at latest.
  2. All course registrations are valid for the requested course(s) / the requested major subject (i.e. piano, voice, guitar etc.). Special requests concerning choice of lecturers will be considered, if possible and according to vacancies, but they are not obligatory for the organiser. Assignment to another lecturer is, under no circumstances, reason for a cancellation. This clause does not apply to registrations for master classes!
  3. The whole amount of the course fees (registration and lesson fees for the first and-possibly-more main subjects) is to be transferred at the time of registration. The overnight and boarding costs for participants or day students as well as any other amounts still due are to be transferred 2 weeks after the registration confirmation and the relative bill is sent to them or -at any rate- one month prior to course beginn, at latest.
  4. In case a course has to be cancelled by the organiser, any amount already paid by the participants for this course will be refunded in total.
  5. In case of cancellation by the participant, before the registration deadline set for each course session, lesson fees will be fully (100%) returned. Registration, any accommodation fees and other charges, eventually charged to participants will be, never the less, still in demand and must be paid in all.
  6. In case of cancellation by the participant, after the registration deadline set for each course session but prior to the course beginning, an amount of 50% of the lesson fees will be returned, only in case of unexpected emergency (e.g. sickness, accidents etc.). Registration, any accommodation fees and other charges, already charged to participants will be, never the less, still in demand and must be paid in all.
  7. We ask for your understanding on the fact that unfortunately no amount can be refunded in case of either cancellation posterior to the course beginning or participants’ exclusion during the courses, due to their gross or repeated violations of the house rules, due to their disobedience to the teachers’ or the assistants’  instructions or due to their insults to these persons.

Our bank connection is the following :
Account holder: austrian arts sessions
IBAN: AT08 1200 0100 0790 7032 | BIC Code: BKAUATWW (Unicredit Bank Austria AG)


Participants may either book their own accomodation or apply during online registration for an accommodation at Stift Ossiach.
Older participants, over 15 years old, and / or participants coming with their parents can also be lodged at nearby pensions or guest houses (5 minutes foot-walk), should the rooms at Stift Ossiach not be enough.
Room assignments are generally made by the organiser on a basis of shared rooms, are steady and cannot be changed during the period of courses.

Participants’ wishes, concerning an assignment of double or single rooms will be gladly taken under consideration as much as possible, considering availabillity. Participants’ relatives can arrange their staying accommodation through the local tourism association ( or via internet.

Diploma – Certificate of participation

Active participants are entitled to a diploma. Passive participants and listeners may, upon request, receive a certificate of their participation.

Insurance, Liability exclusions, Legal disclaimer

Participation is at participants’ own risk. The Youth Protection Law of the Land of Carinthia is applicable to minor participants.
Participants themselves must ensure that they are covered with an adequate accident and sickness insurance and they are obliged to follow the house rules as well as the pieces of advice given by the organiser or any other person appointed by him.
The organiser takes no liability/responsibility, in any case, for participants’ casualties, especially those for damage, loss of properties or accidents of any kind.
As course changes / cancellations may occur we kindly recommend to all participants to book an adequate travel insurance.
Please note that the organiser will under no circumstances refund any sort of expenses payed by the participants or their families concerning among others transportation and hotel costs for the journey between the course location and the permanent domicile, hotel costs for family members during the course, as well as any other expense that might come up due to a course change / cancellation or in case of a participants’ exclusion during the course due to the circumstances mentioned under #7 of the present payment an cancellation policy.

Daily and lessons schedule

Participants will have lessons every day. During students courses ormaster classes longer lessons every other day could also aply.
Choice of the teaching form (single, combined, in groups, ensemble-chamber music or open public master class) is made by the teachers and depends, among others, on the main subject.
There will be sufficient practicing rooms at participants’  disposal. Practicing time reservations will be agreed and arranged by the participants themselves.
Creative, sporting and/or playing activities will be offered at participants’  free of courses time. Should parents not object the participation of their children to this program in a written way, we assume that they consent to it.

Copyright regulations

By submitting their registration, participants or/and their parents/legal tutors totally agree, beyond any kind of doubt or reverse of any sort, that any photo, audio and video material (incl. concert recordings) taken during as well as scores and sheet music resulting from the master classes and summer camps of austrian arts sessions can be used, at no cost whatsoever, by this association among others for advertisement purposes, publications and homepages and can be published through, for example, YouTube, or printed / published in any other physical or digital media, also for commercial use, without participants’ or/and their parents’/legal tutors’ prior permission or consent as well as without any price paid to them.

Severability clause, applicable Law, jurisdiction.

In case that some terms of the present general terms and conditions are or will be proved not effective, it is from now on agreed that the validity of all other terms remains unharmed and they (remaining terms) produce further on their legal consequences. An alternative term, mostly suitable to the achievement of the principal purpose that was set by the austrian arts sessions, will in this case, replace the already not effective one.
Any dispute, arising from or connected with the present transaction in any way is subject only to the Austrian Law, in exclusion of the standards set by the International Private Law and the United Nations Purchase/Buying Law.
As it is from now on agreed, the local jurisdiction over the disputes mentioned above belongs exclusively to the courts of justice in Salzburg, Austria.
